Landing Site is a series of 50 photographic postcards documenting landing sites along the coastline of Cork Harbour, a natural harbour and river estuary at the mouth of the River Lee, Cork, Ireland.
These sites mark a threshold between land and sea, navigating the tension between use value and nature. The series captures diverse terrains, including public, private residential, military, commercial, derelict, conservation, and ad hoc landscapes. In 2000, parts of the harbour were designated as Special Protected Areas for the conservation of wild birds. These postcards document the harbour's evolving profile and the complex ecosystem of economic, heritage, and ecological interests.
The project was developed during the Cork Harbour Project Artist Residency (2007-2008), which brought together local, national, and international artists with scientists, naturalists, activists, and environmental groups in a collaborative research laboratory setting. The residency culminated in the group exhibition Beyond Mythat Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork.